Cargo Insurance (运输保险)

Cargo Insurance (运输保险)

Protect yourself from the risk of cargo damage.  Fortune Union is not an insurance broker, carrier or underwriter.  Coverage is purchased through reputable brokers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy arranged by that broker with an insurance carrier which is independent of FortuneUnion.  A copy of this policy is available upon request.  FortuneUnion disclaims all warranties as to the adequacy and fitness of such coverage and any services provided to customers through the insurance company, broker or carrier. The customer understands and agrees that, by providing access to coverage through the insurance company, FortuneUnion is acting as neither insurance broker nor insurance carrier.  Any and all claims by the customer shall be made against the customer's insurance carrier through the designated broker with whom the customer has arranged for coverage, not against FortuneUnion.